Some Cool Projects Using Tensorflow

Have you been learning data science for quite some tine and started wondering when you can start working on your first project?

In this post, we have compiled a list of some interesting projects from all over the internet that actually work and are somewhat manageable  to execute. Do let us know in the comments if you need help with any of these!

1) Image Captioning

Looks like Microsoft’s CaptionBot is doing a fine job here

This is by far the simplest and most overused application of the Tensorflow library and the one that is usually covered by most MOOCs.

The Data Science Fundamentals course which a track of the much celebrated CS50 course by Harvard is recommended for this one .

The objective of this project is to feed the neural network some images so that it can generate some apt captions for your image. You can try this out here.

The whole tutorial can be found in the link below. The caveat is that you would have to download a lot of data(which is the case for most of our projects as we need to feed a lot of data to the neural network for it’s pertinent functioning)

Image Captioning

2)Speech/Music Recognition

This usually comes under the subset of NLP. Here are the links of some sample projects that you might find useful:

The Genius App is notorious for identifying mostly any music you would be playing in the background

Basic Speech Recognition Using Tensorflow

Music Genre Recognition Algorithm

Building A Fully Functional Musical Library: What It Takes

3)Time Forecasting

That’s what it’s supposed to like on paper

The logistics behind this one is really interesting and I would highly recommend you to complete the NLP course provided by Microsoft(has been archived on edX as of now, but the contents can be found on the Internet.

Here’s the tutorial by the way:

Time Forecasting

4) Sudoku Solver

Here’s what a Sudoku puzzle looks like in case you were wondering 😁

You read that right. Here’s a really well articulated article/tutorial that we found related to the same :

Sudoku Puzzle Using Backtesting,AI and ML

5) To Play Board Games

Seeing this refreshed my childhood memories. Did it do the same for you?

Well almost all everyone reading this article would be knowing about AlphaGo and it’s significance. Many projects have come up that try to replicate it’s success for other similar games. Here’s one that we found for Connect 4.

Alpha Zero AI using Keras and Python

Well thanks for coming this far. Do let us know in the comments section if you would like something else to be added to this article or would like to have any complexity redressed regarding the above mentioned projects.

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